August Revenue Forecast Offers Bleak Outlook for Next Biennium

PRINEVILLE, Ore. – Following the release of the August revenue forecast by state economists, House Republican Leader Vikki Breese-Iverson released the following statement.

“In eastern Oregon, when we see a storm coming on the horizon, we prepare for it. Today’s revenue forecast is the dark rumbling clouds on the horizon and everyone needs to take stock and the necessary steps now to prepare,” said Breese-Iverson

“Oregonians are feeling the effects of inflation every day – food prices, gas and the cost of housing are higher than ever. The forecast indicates these hardships will continue through the biennium and Oregonians will feel the effects across the state.”

“Now is not the time to grow government spending. It is not the time to increase regulations or bureaucracy. It is the time to identify wasteful government spending, plan strategic agency budget cuts and build our reserves to work through the oncoming recession and dark storm clouds the Governor’s economic advisors are predicting!”

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